The Kedah DAP, Director of Political Education S.Neelamekan says that the call for Penang Chief Minister's resignation in the Kg Buah Pala issue will not solve the problem.
The dispute between some of the residents and the developer has been a long standing. The sudden focus and the attack on DAP led Penang government and in-particular on the Penantg Chief Minister raises suspision.
The DAP led Penang State government is sincere in their efforts for aimicable solutions at this 11th hour. A win-win situation can be achieved for the best interest of all parties concern.
However, the effected parties must not be misled by hidden hands with hidden agenda which may end furtile.
The Penang Chief Minister And His Deputies Are Asset to Penangites
The Chief Minister and his Deputies are taking every effort to implement and enforce polices which are fair, firm and friendly to Penangites irrespective of race or religion.
Some of their liberal poicies can be seen and many more are yet to bloom as they have politicals hurdles to cross.
The BN led Federal government will not give a free-run to the opposition led Penang government.
The BN wants them to fail as they are only interested in getting back the state at all cost and least interested in the peoples' aspiration.
Some of the examples are that the recent unfair federal allocation towards the Penang State's development fund and there have been cases raised by the CM, where there were efforts by certain irresponsible quarters to divert foreign investors investing in Penang.
The last 16 months of DAP led government has brought about some relief among Penangites inspite of the global economic crisis and brighter days are just in the corner as it will get its shine back socially, economically and environmentally.
Chairman, DAP Lunas Branch
HP: 0124232991
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